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2014 CS Nebelhorn Trophy & JGP Estonia


Two competitions this week! Nebelhorn Trophy is one of the most well-known Senior B (now Challenger Series) competitions, and the field is usually pretty strong, so it should definitely be interesting to see.


Results, entries, schedule etc.

When: Sept. 25-27
Where: Oberstdorf, Germany
How to watch: Free livestream
Notable entries: Michal Brezina, Konstantin Menshov, Sergei Voronov, Jason Brown, Alena Leonova, Elizaveta Tuktamysheva, Gracie Gold, Vanessa James/Morgan Cipres, Yuko Kavaguti/Alexander Smirnov, Alexa Scimeca/Chris Knierim, Kaitlyn Weaver/Andrew Poje, Nelli Zhiganshina/Alexander Gazsi, Madison Chock/Evan Bates, Kaitlin Hawayek/Jean-Luc Baker

Nebelhorn this year will also be used to test out a slightly different judging policy. There will be 12 judges on the panel, and 7 of them will evaluate PCS. Each of these 7 judges will only evaluate 3 categories of PCS. The remaining 5 judges will evaluate GOEs, and 4 of these 5 judges will also evaluate one category of PCS. The assignments should work out so that each PCS category is evaluated by 5 judges. More information on the Nebelhorn Trophy announcement (pg. 6-7).


Results, entries, schedule etc.

When: Sept. 25-27
Where: Tallinn, Estonia
How to watch: Livestream on the JGP Youtube channel
Notable entries: He Zhang, Sota Yamamoto, Alexander Petrov, Andrew Torgashev, Miyu Nakashio, Rin Nitaya, Maria Sotskova, Amber Glenn, Maria Vigalova/Egor Zakroev, Mackenzie Bent/Garrett MacKeen, Anna Yanovskaya/Sergei Mozgov, Alexandra Nazarova/Maxim Nikitin, Holly Moore/Daniel Klaber