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2015 Medal Winners Open


The second Medal Winners Open will take place January 16th at Yoyogi National Gymnasium in Tokyo, Japan. This is an invitational professional event involving skaters who have retired/are not currently competing, and will be judged by ISU judges, although with different guidelines to normal competitions. The competitors include six men and six women from various countries. They will only perform free skates. All competitors will earn prize money. This event was first held in 2012, in conjunction with the 2012 Japan Open; this year it precedes the Tokyo stop on the 2015 Stars on Ice: Japan tour.


Ladies: Joannie Rochette, Irina Slutskaya, Miki Ando, Kimmie Meissner, Laura Lepisto, Sarah Meier
Men: Evgeni Plushenko, Evan Lysacek, Jeffrey Buttle, Johnny Weir, Takeshi Honda, Nobunari Oda


  • Program length: 3min. 30s. (+/- 10s.) for men; 3min. 10s. (+/- 10s.) for ladies

  • Three jumps with at least 2 rotations. One of these can be a combination of 2 jumps or a sequence with any number of jumps.

  • Any 3 spins of different types

  • A choreographic sequence

  • Any music, including vocals, can be used.

  • Props such as hats, capes, umbrellas etc. can be used.

  • The program and scoring will focus on artistic merit.


MWO will air on BS-TBS on Jan. 17th at 15:00 JST. It will re-air on TBS ch.2 Jan. 24th at 12:00 JST and Feb. 6th at 20:00 JST. There are no streams, but videos will probably be uploaded to the internet.

ISU announcement
Website (Japanese)