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2020-2021 Singles & Pairs Scale of Values & Level/GOE Guidelines


NOTE: As of 6/18/2020, the ISU has suspended the following two communications for the 2020-2021 season. The SOV and Level/GOE Guidelines from the 2019-2020 season will remain in effect.

ISU Communication 2323: 2020-21 Scale of Values

Notable changes:

  • Base value of 3Lz decreased from 5.90 to 5.30 (now same as 3F)

  • Base value of 4Lo increased from 10.50 to 11.00 (now same as 4F)

  • Base value of 4Lz decreased from 11.50 to 11.00 (now same as 4F)

  • Base values of death spirals are now separated based on backwards/forwards entry as well as inside/outside edge. (Previously, forward inside/backward inside had the same base values, and forward outside/backward outside had the same base values). In order of increasing base value: Forward Inside, Backward Inside, Backward Outside, Forward Outside.

ISU Communication 2324: 2020-21 Level & GOE Guidelines

Notable changes:

  • New sign for marking jump rotation: A “q” sign indicates a jump that landed a quarter rotation short. (< is for jumps between a quarter and half rotation short, < < is for jumps half a rotation short or more.) “q” will not reduce the base value of the jump like < or < <, but will reduce the GOE. GOE for jumps with “q” are listed in the Scale of Values. The “q” sign can apply to both solo jumps and throw jumps in pairs.

  • Spin entrance/exit: Difficult exit to a spin is now a level feature, but does not count in a spin that also has a difficult entrance, or vice versa. Windmills will no longer be considered a difficult entrance or exit.

  • Pair spins: The lady can be lifted off the ice during the spin, but the man must stay on one foot.

  • Poor/cheated jump takeoff: Including full-blade takeoff on a toe jump, toe axels or excessive rotation on the ice at takeoff. GOE of -1 to -3.

More changes are underlined in the document.