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ISU Communication 2656: Singles & Pairs Scale of Values, 2024-2025


ISU Communication 2656

Base values for quintuple jumps have been added to the Scale of Values. All quint jumps (5T, 5S, 5Lo, 5F, 5Lz) have a base value of 14.00 points. (No value is assigned for a 5A.)

Rules regarding quint jumps:

  • Quints are not permitted in the short program.

  • In the free program, quints are permitted as solo jumps, but not in combinations or sequences.

  • Repetitions: Of all triple, quadruple and quintuple jumps, only two can be executed twice. Of the two repetitions, only one can be a quad or quint jump. If both executions are as solo jumps, the second of these solo jumps will be attributed 70% of its Base Value. Triple, quadruple and quintuple jumps with the same name will be considered as two different jumps. No triple, quadruple or quintuple jump can be attempted more than twice.