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2021 Russian Junior Nationals, Channel One Trophy, French National Championships, & Egna Dance Trophy: Info & Streaming



Results | Entries (ENG) | Schedule | Website

Type: National championships

When: Feb. 3-5

Where: Krasnoyarsk, Russia

Level & disciplines: junior ladies, men, pairs, ice dance

Schedule (GMT+7)

  • 2/3: Men’s SP 14:00; Ladies’ SP 17:30; Rhythm Dance 20:15

  • 2/4: Men’s FS 14:00; Pairs’ SP 17:00; Ladies’ FS 19:00

  • 2/5: Free Dance 12:30; Pairs’ FS 15:05

How to watch: Channel 1 will livestream the competition. The Youtube streams are available worldwide and streams will be archived.


The Channel One Trophy is a team competition. Skaters on each team are selected by the team captains and will perform their short programs and free skate. The team with the highest total score at the end of the competition wins. The team captains are Alina Zagitova and Evgenia Medvedeva.

A jumping competition will also take place, where four ladies’ skaters compete against four men’s skaters.

Announcement | Jump Competition

Type: Domestic competition

When: Feb. 5-7

Where: Moscow, Russia

Level & disciplines: senior ladies, men, pairs, ice dance

Schedule (GMT+3)

  • 2/5: Jumping competition & team event draws 15:00

  • 2/6: Team event short programs 17:00

  • 2/7: Team event free programs 17:00

Team Alina: Anna Shcherbakova, Kamila Valieva, Daria Usacheva, Dmitri Aliev, Makar Ignatov, Andrei Mozalev, Tarasova/Morozov, Pavliuchenko/Khodykin, Zagorski/Guerreiro, Morozov/Bagin, Khudaiberdieva/Bazin

Team Evgenia: Elizaveta Tuktamysheva, Anna Trusova, Maiia Khromykh, Mikhail Kolyada, Alexander Samarin, Mark Kondratuk, Boikova/Kozlovskii, Mishina/Galliamov, Stepanova/Bukin, Skoptsova/Aleshin, Shevchenko/Eremenko

How to watch: Channel 1 will livestream the team competition. The Youtube streams are available worldwide and streams will be archived.


The French National Championships, originally scheduled for December 2020, will take place in February without an audience.

Results | Entries | Schedule | Website

Type: National championships

When: Feb. 5-6

Where: Vaujany, France

Level & disciplines: senior ladies, men, pairs, ice dance

Schedule (GMT+1)

  • 2/5: Rhythm Dance 14:00; Ladies’ SP 14:30; Pairs’ SP 15:30; Men’s SP 15:50

  • 2/6: Free Dance 12:00; Ladies’ FS 12:25; Pairs’ FS 13:35; Men’s FS 14:00

Notable entries: Kevin Aymoz, Romain Ponsart, Adam Siao Him Fa, Lea Serna, Maia Mazzara, Lopareva/Brissaud, Galyavieva/Thauron

How to watch:Free Youtube livestream. Streams are archived.


Results | Entries | Schedule | Website | ISU

Type: International B competition

When: Feb. 6-7

Where: Egna, Italy

Level & disciplines: junior & senior ice dance

Schedule & Streams (GMT+1)

Notable entries: Senior - Taschlerova/Taschler, Müller/Diek, Moscheni/Fioretti, Calderone/Riva. Junior - Demougeot/Le Mercier, Terreaux/Perron, Dupayage/Nabais

How to watch: Free Youtube livestreams by linked above. The streams will be archived.